Monday, November 27, 2006

A library for shrubs?

Well I had a good laugh this morning....Repugs are soliciting money - tons of money - for a Shrub Library - an oxymoron if ever there was one....

For starters - this guy doesn't read - he waits for others to tell him what's on the piece of paper. And remember when "everyone" said he was reading "to" the children on September 11, 2001....If you look at the videos - he was not reading to them - he was struggling along with the rote "word saying" that the teacher was leading....

Secondly - this administration has been so so secretive - what papers would they possibly allow for public viewing?

Oh well - it will be a monument to a failed pResidency... but the ever present right wingnut spin machine will tell you about the glories of this 8 years of hell....