Friday, October 17, 2008

"Joe" the plumber?

Why am I not surprised to learn that "Joe" is not a licensed plumber and that he feels he does not need a license, that he owes back taxes and is enjoying his 15 minutes of stupid media-has-nothing-important-to-cover cycle.....

Was is because his comment to Obama was picked up by the R's and he became McSame's point person? I figure "Joe" must be an R - as during the last 8 years we have learned that laws do not apply to R's and that R's cheat and lie!

Update - he is a registered R - a voting R!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Laugh and Cry Ads

This one made me laugh...

This one made me cry -

If you are in D.C. on the 21st

Brick by Brick: A Civil Rights Story

( 2007: 51 mins., Director William Kavanagh)

Tuesday, October 21 , 6:15 pm

UDC’s David A. Clarke School of Law,

Bldg 38, B Level

4200 Connecticut Ave., NW Washington, DC 20008


A film about a contemporary American battle for civil rights, in which we follow three families in New York State as they confront racial discrimination in housing and schools, and struggle to achieve justice. Brick by Brick describes how a ghetto was created through public policies, and brings to the screen the fiery legal and political crucible of a contemporary city and its larger implications for our nation. The film tracks the federal US v Yonkers litigation that challenged neighborhood and educational discrimination.

Q&A with documentary director William Kavanagh and Louise Howells, Co-director of UDC’s Community Development Clinic

The screening is preceded by a MASTERCLASS with director William Kavanagh from 5:30 to 6:15pm. If you would like to attend this as well, please state this in your RSVP.

SCREEN JUSTICE: Giving Voice to Smart Socially-Conscious Films

A Presentation of the Office of University Advancement and the David A Clarke School of Law

RSVP:; 202-274-6256

More on McCain and Women

Today must be "John and Sarah hate women day" because I just saw this video....

Are You an Artist?

Whether you are an artist or just interested in art or the arts, you might want to see the differences between Obama and McCain in their support for arts...

Go to this site and read the summary of their positions.....

No such thing as coincidence

These 3 items came to my attention this morning - the first is a clip from the debate last night and I was waiting for it to be on YouTube...

This is from wwwsaysmetv .. Woman Against McCain Palin

And this arrived from a local friend....

Many citizens are outraged at MCain's snide statement last night about "health." It clearly shows his absolute disdain for women...and Palin must hate women as well - and of course these two do not want women to get equal pay for equal work.

Republicans are only into being punitive...This is the party that tortures, forces women to have children they do not want, and then fails to provide for the children once they are born.
into thinking...

Why any thinking woman would vote for R's is beyond me...but the 20% or so who love the shrub are not into thinking - only into shouting and fear mongering!

Let's make it more than a landslide! Let's show the R's what we think of them by booting out all R's running in this election!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Autism? or another McCain Problem with Language?

My son just called with a good point about McSame.

In the debate tonight McSame said Sarah Palin knows about autism better than most...Huh?

I was not aware that any of her children were diagnosed as autistic. Her newest, has been said to be a Downs Syndrome child...and that's not the same thing at all!

My son's point is that these are no longer McSame "gaffes" - instead they are signs of something very seriously wrong with the McSame brain..

I've mentioned before that he appears to be mixing up his words.. I am a psychologist, not a neurologist, but this mixing up and using the wrong words and not understanding the difference between Sunni and Shiite, or autism and Downs Syndrome, and not finding his way off a stage, saying my fellow prisoners, etc.... these are no longer stupid bush-like neologisms - these may be indicators of a more serious problem.

He won't release his medial records publicly, but it may be that the voting public has also picked up on these issues and figured it might just be what is making him so totally unable to stick to a point or a campaign course and/or speak correctly.

It's sad - but he has chosen to go this route for whatever his reason and I don't feel sorry for him at all!

Another good person

From Brad Avakian [a really nice guy]

Friends --

As you know, I am running to keep my position as state Labor Commissioner. This is a tricky race. I have two opponents and since this is a non-partisan position, like a judge, no party identification will appear on the ballot. Because I was appointed to this office and have never been on the statewide ballot, we have got to get the word out.

My campaign will be rolling out a new television spot this week and I want to make sure that you're one of the first to see it.

And he is doing the state of change tour...If you are in any of these areas - go and say hi to all these good people - and then vote for them...ballots are coming later this week!!!

The 2008 State of Change Tour with Ben Westlund, Kate Brown, and John Kroger and Brad Avakian

Thursday, October 16th

12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Salem State of Change Tour Stop
Willamette University, Jackson Plaza (Sparks Gym if raining)
900 State St, Salem

2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Medford State of Change Tour Stop
Jackson County Democrats' Office
40 South Central Ave, Medford

4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Eugene State of Change Tour Stop
University of Oregon, EMU Alsea & Coquille Rooms
1501 Kincaid St, Eugene

7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Bend State of Change Tour Stop
Deschutes County Democrats' Office
709 NW Wall St, Bend

Saturday, October 18th

10:00 am to 11:00 am
Beaverton State of Change Tour Stop
Washington County Democrats Office
12250 SW Broadway, Beaverton

12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
McMinnville State of Change Tour Stop
Yamhill County Democrats Office
315 NE 3rd St, McMinnville

3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Oregon City State of Change Tour Stop
Clackamas County Forward Oregon Office
619 Madison St, Oregon City

The "new" DSCC

I am glad that the usually very boring DSCC has found ad makers who have a sense of humor - while pressing importnat points..

No one likes to watch dull campaign ads - well I don't - but do you like them?

Living in Oregon and having a great chance to unseat an R with a progressive D is neat - and so I smile at this ad!

It's time to laugh out loud!

This is funny - and even funnier is that the person who sent it to me probably has zero idea of the cable words used :-) - and he is younger than I.....

It's a break from politics - but how knows - McSame may be in this fix himself next year after he loses all his houses and money and can't afford cable!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Ah - more sad McSame

John McBush is now saying something along the lines of he's right where he wants to be - which from my perspective is way way down in the polls - and if he wants to be there - all the better. Usually I don't want to give repugs what they want but this time I'll make an exception.

Lets keep giving McSame what he wants - and like his "love" - he can sink further and further down in the polls. Think of it as a good-bye gift from us to all the nasty repugs...[especially the two in the photo :-)]

Let's go all out for such an overwhelming win for Obama that it carries down ballot and we give Congress and state houses and senates a super majority of democrats - and watch the repugs go away quietly never to return in my lifetime! Or yours - or your kids - or your grandkids...or ever!

Run up the score! Leave no vote behind! Etc....