Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

A day of giving thanks for many things:

our country will have a new president come January 20th!

my son is happy

I have good friends offline and online

I am healthy

I live in Portland

I see ducks like this

Ah and that soon it’s time to go and eat with many of those friends mentioned above....yummmm

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


After saying I'll write about Chicago - I did not - was too busy helping elect a Chicago person!

I thought I knew much about Chicago and maybe I did - but had forgotten. Walking around Chicago and going to the Chicago History Museum [] made me do lots of thinking about the importance of Chicago to our country...

As my son has lived there for ages and shares my sense of history - he filled me in on many things Chicago...past and it was a info packed few days that I spent post my meeting.

Chicago has been the home of many top notch thinkers like John Dewey, social organizers like Jane Addams, gangsters like Al Capone, architects who built the first skyscrapers, jazz musicians, manufacturers, and so many more I forget again. But a day in the museum was like a time travel trip for me - I had not remembered that so so much had Chicago origins.

Having grown up in New York, I know that cities have had major roles in the development of what was important in the USA. I know - small towns and farms are important too - but in different ways - and I can not personally speak for small town contributions.. The one I most recently lived in produced Esty Organs and that to me is not the same as a skyscraper or educational thinkers or presidents. Admittedly I have a big city bias - it's in the genes :D

Here are some photos of Chicago

A comment led me to this blog:
Check it out for more chicago info.

Three-Year Full-Tuition Advocate for Justice Scholarships

From the David Clark School of Law website:

Three-Year Full-Tuition Advocate for Justice Scholarships

The University of the District of Columbia David A. Clarke School of Law (UDC-DCSL) will offer up to 20 three-year full-tuition Advocate for Justice Scholarships each year, beginning with members of the class entering in Fall 2008. The award of these scholarships will be based equally upon the Scholarship Selection Committee's evaluation of applicants' academic talent and their proven commitment as advocates for justice. Toward this end, the Committee will consider applicants' undergraduate and graduate fields of study; grades; LSAT scores; publications; academic, personal and professional recommendations; as well as evidence of their professional experiences, community service and other pertinent information.

For more info go here:

I went to the DC School of Law when it was the re-birth of Antioch [back in 1988] It's changed and it's can contact me for info

EPA - carbon dioxide comments needed by Friday!

Friday is the last day to voice your opinion on whether the EPA -- the Environmental Protection Agency -- should regulate carbon dioxide pollution, the primary cause of the climate crisis. This is a big deal.

The EPA is taking public comment, before making a ruling.

Of course, special interests -- like the oil and coal lobbies -- are working overtime to defeat a positive ruling and have already gotten thousands of comments submitted in opposition.

Most people don't know about this opportunity for public comment, so your voice can make a real difference. And with a new president in the White House, it's likely that someone will actually be listening. Submit your public comment to the EPA here:

In April 2007 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency has the authority to regulate
carbon dioxide if it is harming our health and welfare. After more than a year of delay, the EPA is finally now requesting public comments on whether carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping pollutants are endangering our health and our climate.

Join us, and send a message about how crucial it is to reduce harmful
carbon dioxide pollution. That you expect the EPA to use its powers to protect our health and welfare. That we can "Repower America" by using energy sources that don't emit carbon dioxide, and make the switch to 100% clean electricity. And that the solutions to the climate crisis are the same ones needed to address our economic and security challenges.

This is our chance to go on the public record -- all the comments will be posted on the EPA's website.

For nearly eight years, the Bush administration has done nothing to address the growing threats we face from global warming. Hurricanes are getting stronger, the North polar icecap is melting, and we've suffered through intense droughts, floods and killer heat waves.

The deadline is November 28th. Let's help end the era of delay.


Cathy Zoi

Comment by going to the site and finding the EPA link

Monday, November 24, 2008

Georgia Senate Race

The Georgia race has gone to a run off with the election on December 2. Turnout is critical for electing Jim Martin - a good person..

Here is his latest ad.

If you have a mybarackobama site you can get a list of people to call in Georgia. If you dont have that site - get one and make's for a good person...