Monday, October 23, 2006

86 dead

86 of our children; our future...dead - and one kidnapped - for what? A civil war? Oil? It certainly is not for peace or to stem terrorism.....

I cry again today - I cried during Vietnam and I cry now..... how many more of our children must die before the Gay Old Perverts wake up to reality?

The shrub has no feelings about these deaths - and he wants us to not have feelings either. If it were truly a "just" war, we would see and honor the returning dead and we would not have to have a shrub out there "cheer leading" for this mess.

This shows about 20 flag draped coffins...duplicate this 150 times and you have an idea of what almost 3000 dead children look like in coffins......Add to this the over 20,000 wounded and this mess worth it?

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