Friday, November 02, 2007

Back to ranting

The art show is over and I am slowly catching up on the parts of life that got put on hold while getting ready for the show.

In the last week I ranted on KBOO, a local community radio station, about women and power. That was fun and the next time I am a guest on the show I will bring my camcorder and tape it for editing and posting here.....

Women and power is a long-time rant of mine and each time I talk about the subject, more ideas come up - that happened on the air as well - in addition to the great call-ins from listeners!

But today my angriest rants are for those "d" people in congress who no longer represent us - only their own interests!

Pelosi - will be at a fund raiser for Al Wynn - a "d" who pretty predictably votes with the shrub! And why? Incumbent protection? Here's a quote from and about Pelosi:
Though crediting activists for their "passion," Pelosi called it "a waste of time" for them to target Democrats. "They are advocates," she said. "We are leaders."
Why this message? Because a people powered movement is backing Donna Edwards - a real "D" and Pelosi is apparently not happy with democratic processes.

Next we have Shumer and Feinstein who say they will vote for the nomination of Mukasey for AG - the guy who can't say if waterboarding is torture and who believes mad king george can do as he wishes - and the constitution be damned!

With "d" people like these - it makes me sad......

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