Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The BuzzFlash petition

I have been saying this kind of thing fro years- maybe BuzzFlash read my posting here in my new rules - but no matter where they got the idea for this petition - it's sorely needed.

So read it - and it you agree - sign on

'Not One of the Latest Bush Generation Eligible for Military Service Has Joined America's Armed Forces to Die for George's "Noble Cause" and Make the "Supreme Sacrifice of Patriotism." The Bushes Let the Poor, Middle Class and Rural Kids do the Dying for Them. Kids Like Casey Sheehan. They Always Have. SIGN THIS BUZZFLASH PETITION NOW: EITHER THE BUSH KIDS "SACRIFICE" TO FIGHT FOR GEORGE'S "NOBLE CAUSE," OR BRING THE TROOPS HOME NOW.'


1 comment:

Louise said...

Point-- Today, October 3, Exxon Oil became the most valued company in the world, exceeding General Electric.

Who says crime doesn't pay?