Monday, March 24, 2008

Another sad milestone

Yesterday the 4000th American child was killed in Iraq.....I say child because they are all someone's child..and there are more grieving parents today and that makes me cry....

I am a mother, my son was in the military and I know what it is like to have a constant stomach ache. My son's unit did not go to Iraq while he was active - but they did go after he finished his 8 year commitment.....

Selfishly, I am happy my son is out of the military and in college...

But just as I cried during the Vietnam War [way before I had my own child] I cry now.. I cry for every mother who loses a child to this madness we have created in Iraq.

And what do the candidates have to say?

In the last five years, our soldiers have done everything we asked of them and more. They were asked to remove Saddam Hussein from power and bring him to justice and they did. They were asked to give the Iraqi people the opportunity for free and fair elections and they did. They were asked to give the Iraqi government the space and time for political reconciliation, and they did. So for every American soldier who has made the ultimate sacrifice for this mission, we should imagine carved in stone: 'They gave their life for the greatest gift one can give to a fellow human being, the gift of freedom.

Each death is a tragedy, and we honor every fallen American and send our thoughts and prayers to their families. It is past time to end this war that should never have been waged by bringing our troops home, and finally pushing Iraq's leaders to take responsibility for their future. As we do, we must serve the memory of all who have died as well as they served our country, by providing support for their families, caring for our troops and veterans, and upholding the American values which our fallen heroes exemplified through their service.

I am a Barack supporter and part of why can be read above - HE GETS IT! He knows how these parents hurt...he knows this war is wrong. He understands grief.. He is more of a mother than is Hillary.

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