Thursday, November 23, 2006

Turkey Day

Well it's Thanksgiving...

I am very very thankful this year - WE WON.... both the House and Senate making this year the first time in ages that I am thankful about politiks and looking forward to January....

I'm thankful also to my family and friends who put up with my ranting and who are now enjoying a respite of sorts from repug raves.....

How did we get here? The MSM wants to make noise only about infighting among the Dems or belittling Nancy Pelosi - they can't see beyond their pocketbooks right now...The MSM - like the moral majority is neither - it's infotainment and making money.... but I'm being thankful today so I'll drop that idea for now

Who do we thank? Howard Dean and the 50 state strategy, bloggers, Air America Radio, thinking people, voters who showed they cared, and at the last moment the "in" dems who saw the writing on the walls and sent money to some candidates......

So thank you all who voted out the corruption and voted in a change.....

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